
Friday, 27 May 2016


The Super Snakes reading group are presenting a play to us.

They are doing an amazing job!

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Co-operative Writing

We are working in small groups to plan and write a story about a dinosaur in a city.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Being the Best we can Be during a wet lunchtime

Its raining outside and we have to play inside.

Look how well we can manage ourselves and play together.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Lunchtime experiment check

"I can see that the ice from the milk bag its smaller compsred to the other ones" Ladainian.

"I can see that the one in the cuoboard hasn't melted as much as the other ones." Kai

Experiment Check

We have observed that the ice cube in the cupboard has melted the least. The ice cube on the windowsill melted the most.

Hand Ball pass to a partner

Hand Ball skills

We are learning to do a hand ball pass in AFL, so we can pass the ball to a partner.

AFL Session 2

We are starting with a warm up called Endless Tag. In this game everyone is in! We need stamina to play this game!


We have observed the ice cubes after half an hour.

"I can see that the ice cubes melted. The windowsill ice cube had melted the most." Naomi


Today we are experimenting with ice cubes.

We know that scientists always start with a questions. The question we asked was "What would happen if we put ice cubes in different parts of the classroom?"

We decided to put one ice cube on the windowsill, one ice cube in the cupboard and one ice cube in our insulated milk bag.

We wrote what we thought would happen. Our scientific predictions are called a hypothesis.

We will check each ice cube every half an hour and record our observations.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Dragon Similes

We are learning to write similes that compare two things.

We can use similes in our writing to make our stories more descriptive and interesting.


The dragon's tail is as long as a hose - Ladainian

The dragon is red just like blood - Mele

The dragon is red like Red Hulk - Zane

The dragon's wings are huge like a giant is huge - Zaahid

The dragon's teeth are sharp like shark teeth - Humza