
Monday, 27 June 2016

Matariki learning

We are learning about Matariki - Maori New Year - wigh our friends from Room 19.

After listening to a book about Matariki, we are working on a Matariki crossword in  a booklet from Stardome Observatory.

We are trying hard to work well with our partner.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Wonderful Weaving

We have made our own wefts and are weaving coloured paper.

There are a lot of patterns in weaving to think about.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Wigs for Wig Wednesday!

Look at our creations!

We are working with Room 19 to mske wigs to wear in the school parade on Wednesday.

We are also rausing money for the Child Cancer Foundation.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Last AFL session

Today is our last session of AFL.

We played copycatfor a warm up. We had to copy the skill the coach demonstrated. We took turns with our partner.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Critical Thinking: Would You Rather...

During our Monday morning hui, we are learning to choose a position and justify it.

Today's Would You Rather question is...

Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible, and why?

I would rather be able to fly because then I would be able to hide in the sky so no one could see me. That way I could have a little bit of both because I'm really high up people couldn't see me - Zac

I would rather be able to fly because then I could go up to the sky and sit on the clouds - Shymaa

I would rather be able to fly because then I could go and touch the clouds - Ayesha

I would rather be able to fly because I could be Batgirl - Evelyn

I would rather be invisible because then no one could see me. I could trick bad guys - Tarun

I would rather be invisible because I could hide in a helicopter and take a ride - Mele

I would rather be invisible because at night I could go on my sister's laptop - Farhat

I would rather be invisible because I would trick my sister - Murad

Wednesday, 8 June 2016


We are researching natural disasters.

We need to find out how people can be prepared for different natural disasters.

Then we will make videoes to teach others how to be prepared.